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Origem: Wikcionário, o dicionário livre.
Último comentário: 20 de fevereiro de 2012 de ValJor no tópico Re: in control

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  • Desejo-lhe uma boa estadia no Wikcionário!

Valdir Jorge  fala!      Canadá
Meu blog de palavras cruzadas 22h23min de 29 de março de 2009 (UTC)Responder



Welcome back, Martin! :). Malafaya disc. 10h57min de 16 de abril de 2010 (UTC)Responder

Re: in control


Hi Martin!

You wrote:

Would you consider reversing your decision to delete in control, which I
explicitly opposed. en:in control is marked as idiomatic. Apologies for
writing this in English.

No problem writing in English.

As for the entry for in control, its deletion was a community decision, so I wouldn't want to just revert it like that. One other reason not to revert the deletion is that the content that we had in it was in pretty bad shape.

However, if you would like to start the entry again putting new content according to our guidelines (and adding a note on its talk page about why you are recreating an entry that was deleted after a community decision), I wouldn't be against it.

Now, on the subject of this entry being idiomatic, was there any discussion about this? I see the entry on en.wikt, but I don't see anything showing that in control is not just the sum of in plus control. English is not my mother tongue, but I have a deep understanding of it and it seems to me that if you know what in and control mean, then you know what in control means. If you accept in control then you would have to accept almost any combination of in plus a noun, which would be absolutely horrible. Am I mistaken?

--Valdir Jorge  fala!
23h52min de 19 de fevereiro de 2012 (UTC)Responder

That's the problem with group nominations like that, all the entries get either kept or deleted. That's why it's good to nominate them separately (if more boring). Anyway, with my keep (conservar) vote, did in control not pass? And no, you can't use in with any abstract noun; in happiness and in sadness don't mean anything for example. Mglovesfun (Discussão) 12h18min de 20 de fevereiro de 2012 (UTC)Responder
That's the problem with group nominations like that, all the entries get either kept or deleted: you probably didn't notice but I put a warning (in Portuguese, of course) that said something like "if you are in favor of deleting some but not all entries, vote in favour and write a comment about it."
Anyway, with my keep (conservar) vote, did in control not pass?: we were already at three votes in favour of deleting, so, no, you couldn't save the entry by yourself.
And no, you can't use in with any abstract noun; in happiness and in sadness don't mean anything for example.: ok, they may not mean anything, but for those that do mean something would you create an entry even if they were just the sum of the parts as seems to be the case of in control? That goes against our "criteria for inclusion" (which, by the way, were mostly directly translated from the corresponding document in en.wikt).
--Valdir Jorge  fala!
14h23min de 20 de fevereiro de 2012 (UTC)Responder