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Origem: Wikcionário, o dicionário livre.

Inflected prepositions with personal pronouns


Prepositions that mark the dative take the conjugated dative forms of the personal pronouns, thus *aig mi "at me" and *le iad "with them" are incorrect. Such prepositions have conjugated forms, like verbs (see Inflected preposition). The following table presents some commonly used paradigms.[1]

+ mi
sg. fam."
"you, pl."
aig "at" agam agad aige aice againn agaibh aca
air "on" orm ort air oirre oirnn oirbh orra
le "with" leam leat leis leatha leinn leibh leotha
ann an "in" annam annad ann innte annainn annaibh annta
do "to, for" dhomh dhut dha dhi dhuinn dhuibh dhaibh

Emphatic forms


Like the personal pronouns, inflected prepositions have emphatic forms derived by adding the following suffixes:[1]

+ sa sa san se e se san
aig "at" agamsa agadsa aigesan aicese againne agaibhse acasan
air "on" ormsa ortsa airsan oirrese oirnne oirbhse orrasan
le "with" leamsa leatsa leisan leathase leinne leibhse leothasan
ann an "in" annamsa annadsa annsan inntese annainne annaibhse anntasan
do "to, for" dhomhsa dhutsa dhasan dhise dhuinne dhuibhse dhaibhsan


  1. 1,0 1,1 corrigindo erro de citação...