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Origem: Wikcionário, o dicionário livre.

Who is Mohaton?

I do not think that the technical community really cares to know who I am and who I am, and I certainly would not take advantage of the many publishing detailed information about me and about my life, what is the benefit that can accrue if they learned that my name is (MOHAMED EL SAHRAOUI), I a Guelmim born and brought up in the Laayoune and the scope of it, and do you think that the historical information such as date of birth and who was in the June 28, 1988, can be taken as a cultural piece of information? , I do not think so at all. I agree with you completely that you know that my current job as a programmer is not important, especially if they learned that I love the design've always been, and for you to harness the way you want because the student in the Department of Computer Science reads in the books of literature, history, administration he loves to read.

My interests

If the above without any importance, how can that be to the following matters?, What already was talking about me and I did not help at all, how the knowledge of the love that I read to them, such as Jean-Jacques Rousseau and Gaaht and Plato and many others important in any way? ... Believe me, I will not try to enumerate to you the names of those bones which influenced and changed a lot in my life, or taught me and instilled in the values ​​and principles, whether directly or indirectly because you will develop a state of boredom you may need then to therapy sessions with a psychiatrist is a long list, but a very long start Bualdaa may Allah Bamarhama and I do not know who ends, it is sufficient to know (and perhaps many of you! you are not interested already know all this) I say enough to know that I memorized for each of the taught or influenced positively thanks and gratitude deep and I ask God that frees their necks and the necks of their fathers from the fire.

Work on the Internet

Beginning diving trip on the Internet in 1998 as intruder, then turns to the year 2000 journey through the following stages:

  • 2000: Blogging.
  • 2001: Learning to design software [Photoshop] by Sister Nevin of [[Nablus].
  • 2001-2005: Construction site under the name of headache and join the brother and friend Mohimat.
  • 2004: The first session of the Department of Education design and create websites in Agadir.
  • 2006: beginning of the web site hosting and e-abuse programming as a function.
  • 2008: Administration Course II under the heading of e-commerce in the cities of Laayoune and Guelmim and Smara.
  • 2010: The cylinder put educational programming areas of interest and electronic commerce.
  • 2011: contract with public and private institutions in Laayoune.
  • 2012:,,, and continue the journey.

My Articles :In Arabic

My edits :In Arabic

This topic and some links to pages on the Internet Mohaton Youtube Mohaton Facebook Mohaton Twitter

--Mohaton (talk) 16:05, 4 July 2012 (UTC)