Utilizador:ValJor/Em Inglês

Origem: Wikcionário, o dicionário livre.

Who am I?[editar]

I'm a Brazilian who emigrated to Canada in 1992.

My areas of interest[editar]

I like a lot of different things:

My interest in the Wiktionary[editar]

When I first came here my goal was to create a Swedish/Portuguese dictionary. But then, I was fascinated by the wiki world and plunged into this project head first.

How to "meet" me on the net[editar]

If you want to "see" me on the net, here is how:

a) my web page (only in Portuguese, sorry...): http://alcor.concordia.ca/%7Evjorge/paginas/valdir/valdir.html
b) e-mail address: valdir.jorge@gmail.com