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Usuário Discussão:TAKASUGI Shinji

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Origem: Wikcionário, o dicionário livre.
Último comentário: 2 de junho de 2010 de TAKASUGI Shinji no tópico Re: Unicode standard apostrophe

Olá, TAKASUGI Shinji, bem-vindo ao Wikcionário!

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  • Desejo-lhe uma boa estadia no Wikcionário!

Valdir Jorge  fala!      Canadá
Meu blog de palavras cruzadas 10h38min de 5 de março de 2009 (UTC)Responder

Apostrophe or single quote?


Hi Takasugi!

I see that you have been redirecting some entries that have apostrophe (’) to single quote ('). This is not right in the Portuguese and French languages. In fact, it's exactly the reverse. For instance aujourd’hui should be written with the former and not the latter. I imagine that for English words the correct would be to use the single quote but that's not the case in Portuguese and French.

If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact me.

--Valdir Jorge  fala!      Canadá
Meu blog de palavras cruzadas 19h09min de 15 de junho de 2009 (UTC)Responder

Hi. I just didn’t want to rename the existing pages. The page aujourd'hui had already been there, and I created the redirect aujourd’hui for it. I know, of course, that the latter is the correct spelling in French. I show in my user page the reason why French Wiktionary needs redirects with the Unicode standard apostrophe (’ U+2019) in other language Wiktionaries. Since the interwikis are allowed only between the pages with an identical name, without the redirects, we French Wiktionarians can’t reach your articles. If you want to rename aujourd'hui to aujourd’hui, just do it please. However, you still need a redirect with the ASCII apostrophe (' U+0027) to allow English Wiktionarians to reach your articles, because they never use the Unicode apostrophe. — TAKASUGI Shinji (d) 08h25min de 16 de junho de 2009 (UTC)Responder

Re: Unicode standard apostrophe


Hi there!

You wrote:

You have deleted People’s Republic of China. Isn’t it allowed to create a
redirect here? If so, I’ll stop creating redirects. The reason why I created
it is in my user page.

Yes, of course you can create redirects here, that's not a problem. However, I have been trying to clean up the mess created by the mass conversion from uppercase to lowercase that happened in February 2006, so every time I find a redirect that's not being used, I kill it. One way to "protect" your redirects would be to go to the "other" entry and put a link to the redirect. See what I did in People's Republic of China, specifically the header "Grafia alternativa" (which means something like "Alternate spelling" in Portuguese).

--Valdir Jorge  fala!
15h22min de 1 de junho de 2010 (UTC)Responder

Thank you very much. I'll do something to protect my redirects. - TAKASUGI Shinji (d) 16h52min de 2 de junho de 2010 (UTC)Responder